Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Beginnings

Change is complicated.  It is good.  It's hard.  Change is scary and exciting and stressful.  It's necessary and at times seems impossible.  Sometimes it's hurtful and confusing. Often it finds us praying our lives could be like they used to be.

Sometimes we ache for change.  Sometimes we dread it.  Sometimes we go looking for change, and sometimes it goes looking for us.  

Change is inevitable.

Moving away from everything I have ever known was a big change for me.

A new home.  A new job.  A new state.  A new church.  A new way of living.  A lot of change.  

The dynamics of my relationships have changed.  I'm closer to my boyfriend Ben, which is amazing and such a blessing; but I'm much further from my family and friends, which is difficult and lonely at times.  

It's the little things that make me sad sometimes - I can't come home and give my niece Amelia a kiss hello; I can't take my niece Zoey to church; I can't have sleepovers with my nephew Wyatt.  I can't go shopping with my sister or go see my parents and grandparents on Sunday afternoons.  I can't go to church and be surrounded by those who I've known and loved for so long.  

And it hurts.  

A few times I've wondered if I've made the right decision moving two states away to go to school and be with Ben.  I've questioned if it was too big of a move.

But it doesn't take long to remember all that I've gained.  A new learning experience, a new way of life, new opportunities, a new part of a relationship.  And it's worth it.  

The change hurts, but it's also healing me.  I'm stronger now than I was a few weeks ago, and it feels amazing.  I'm excited to see where my life goes, and I know that this won't be my last big change.  More will come.

I want this blog site to be used as a way to keep in touch with those I love.  I want you all to know where I'm at in life and what I'm doing.  Hopefully I can write on here often.

I love you all and miss you!